Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ellie's 6 Month Well Visit

We took Ellie to her six month well baby visit, although she wasn't 100% well. She has the sniffles and a cough. The Dr said a lot of that is going around and can typically last for two weeks, however I don't need to give her anything. Unless she seems to have trouble breathing and is wheezing etc. we don't have to worry. We opted to not get her shots today since her immunities were down with her cold. We are praying for wisdom in regard to her vaccinations becasue it is such a controversal subject. If we opt to get all 84 vaccines that the schedule calls for, we will do it on a delayed schedule and get as many of them seperated as possible (ie: the three-in-one shots can be given as three different one) I realize this would be more injections, but less chance of a reaction from multiple doses. She had a side affect/allergic reaction with her first round and I don't look forward to that happening again:(Any thoughts/opinions?

We take pride in being such involved parents! Howie always gets off of work early to be able to accompany me to Ellie's doctor visits! When the Doctor walked in, she said right away she could tell we both adored Eliana (we were doting over her at the table as you can see;)

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