Friday, July 31, 2009

Angie's Visit!

Best friends and as usual, we're fun and wacky! - Her pink, me blue - always! Angie cuddling with Ellie before bedtimeEllie feel asleep in her arms after a long, fun day
My best friend from college - Angie, was able to come visit July 31-August 4. We went shopping, to a BBQ/pool party and the beach! We had a blast during her visit!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ellie's First Bachlorette Party

I was in my early twenties when I got to go to my first bachlorette party - and here's Ellie going to one before she's even three months old! LOL She even dressed for the occasion in baby lingerie: pink lacey ruffled rumba-bottom panty hose and a garter headband! She even got to wear beads like the rest of us! The Bride-to-Be was Kelsey, her Matron of Honor and sister, Amy. It was a fun evening:)Doesn't she look so adorable all girlie and dressed up!?!

Congrats Kelsey!!!

Ellie and Mommy partying together:)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eliana Loves Her Troll

Aunt Laurie got Eliana an adorable troll and Ellie loves to stare at her and jibber - jabber away to the little thing!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mike & Paula's

Uncle Dale with Eliana
Aunt Joan Holding EllieEllie being held by DebPaula and Ellie enjoying the lovely weather outsideAlvana and Paula with AngelStarry making a new friend The kids playing/ Looking thru old family photos

Opening a baby gift from Dale and Joan/Deb playing a song

Quality family time/Christian - doesn't he look like he could be Ellie's older brother!?! - Tan, dark curly hair and cute:)

Saying Goodbye After Breakfast

The last day we were in Jamestown, J and Lori suggested breakfast at their favorite restaurant, so we met there and had our last meal together before Dave and Alvana and us headed to Mike and Paula's for a get together. J and Lori saying goodbye to Ellie
Howie and I with Dad

Dad with Dave and Alvana

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Highlights of the Crosby Reunion

The Crosby Family Reunion was on Thursday, July 23rd, but we drove up to the campground in Chautauqua Heights on Wednesday the 22nd, the day prior and checked in before everyone else. We rented a cabin instead of a lot for a tent since we had the baby with us this year. We stayed thru Saturday and left that afternoon for the 26 hour long drive back. One of the highlights of our trip, was stopping by the huge Jamestown Harley Davidson dealership and getting a t-shirt for each of us and a Harley collar for Starry:)

Starry outside of our cabin/Daddy feeding Ellie

Dave and Alvana arriving with their trailer holding their bike

Eating together around the table - delicious food!

The guys grilling our hot dogs and hamburgers

Lookers on at the game players/Ellie being adorable

Dave and the twins taking pics/Loving on Starry

Family time eating smores and talking around the campfire