Thursday, June 3, 2010

Poor Ellie!! :(

So yesterday we had a long day…  I was at work when Hannah called and let me know that Ellie had learned how to climb… the bad part was she learned this during her afternoon nap on her crib, and fell out and landed on her arm.  Hannah took her to the ER, where I met her, and after x-rays, we could see her arm was broken.  It was the two bones in her forearm, about an inch above the end of the bones (both bones were broke).  The good part about where it broke, is that it doesn't affect the growth plates on the end of the bones, so she should heal fine.  Best as we can tell, she used some of the blankets, and stuffed animals, maybe the crib bumper to help boost her over the side.  So we've taken more precautions so this hopefully won't happen again.  I'm tempted to just get rid of the crib, and put her mattress on the floor, but I don't know how much sleep she would get if she could get up and crawl around. She was a trooper throughout the whole thing!  I got to the hospital about 5 min after Ellie was admitted and taken back, and the whole time I was there, she was barely crying.  It wasn't till the doctor started to examine the arm, and was rotating it that she started to fuss, but she never had an all out, ear piercing crying.  Half the time she was smiling and laughing, thankfully she wasn't trying to clap her hands!  So they put a splint on it, and she'll get a cast on it next Tuesday.  So her modeling days will be put on hold for right now, until she gets the cast off.  L  (For those that I hadn't let know yet, we signed her up for modeling Tuesday night, and she was going to be in a commercial on the 14th of June.  The cool part about that is that she was going to be making $500 for doing it, and the check would be made out to her, so we were going to be taking the money and putting it into a IRA for her.  We should still be able to do this, it might just have to be July instead.)

Anyway, praise the Lord it wasn't a lot worse than it was.  We're happy that she is expected to recover quickly and fully.  I'll update her blog as soon as we can, but thought I would send the e-mail to let you all know what was going on.  Love ya all!



Howard A. Crosby Jr.

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  1. Oh dear, I hope she gets better quickly... poor little thing!

  2. Oh, that is so awful!!! Cianna climbed out of her crib once and fell on the floor. I think she scared herself pretty bad. She hasn't tried it since. I think I would have freeked out if she broke her arm. Glad to hear she is doing ok now. I broke both bones in my arm when I was little and have never had any trouble with it since. I'll pray Ellie's will heal well and she won't have any trouble with it.
