Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Dedication.

Today was a great day! We stood in front of the church and asked that God would give us wisdom, strength, and grace in raising our child. We also asked that we may be the example to Eliana of Christ's love, both in discipline and in grace and mercy. It is a great task to train up a child in the way that is right, so that when they are old they will not depart from it. We know that this will not be an easy task. We know that there will be times that we would rather just give in to her will so that we don't have to hear her cry, or set her in front of the electronic babysitter instead of spending time with her. We won't be perfect parents, and we will make mistakes, but I pray that God will be glorified through it all, that he will use the good things and the bad for His perfect plan. Looking down at Eliana as I write this, I hope and pray that when she acts up, or does something 'wrong' that I will give her the grace and mercy that God has shown such a terrible sinner as me. I pray that when she looks up at us that she will see a reflection of Christ, in both Hannah and I.
A wonderful part of the dedication today was to have Hannah's parents here to see this, and to pray over her. Hannah's father was able to share a few words of encouragement, and challenge the new parents to be Godly parents. What a blessing it has been to have them visiting from Delaware! It is great to have the love and support of parents when you're raising a child. I am especially proud of my parents, and the job they did raising me. If you see my father, he has white hair now, and I'm convinced that I gave most of that to him! I know that I didn't make raising me easy, and fought him along the way. But, I am happy that he stayed the course, and was firm with me when he needed to be. He has been a reflection of Christ to me, in his strength and dedication to doing what is right, and raising me up in a Godly household.
Anyway, I better get to sleep now, Eliana is already ahead of me, and I look at her going to sleep like starting a countdown. She'll be awake in a few hours, so i better sleep while I can! :)

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